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Registration for the Grand seminar: How does the progress of implementing the Framework accelerate? @COP16

Name Email adress Organisation if you belong to a SRA such as BECC or MERGE please fill this out as well Participation on site This is preferred for the best experience zoom Food preferences or allergies (vegetarian food is default) Questions or comments Leave this field blank - 2025-01-31

Registration: Grand seminar: Exploring the complexities and potentials of climate communication

As is becoming evident, climate and environmental communication is about more than conveying facts. To really get the ear of our different audiences, it is important to gain a deeper knowledge of how people with various backgrounds understand, interpret, feel about, and act upon threats like biodiversity loss and climate change in different ways. And how we can enable scientific outreach that insp - 2025-01-31

Workshop för att öka möjligheten att använda biologisk mångfaldsdata i lokalt bevarandearbete

Tisdagen den 26 november bjuder vi in dig till en workshop inom projektet ENABLElocal – som syftar till att möjliggöra användning av biologisk mångfaldsdata i lokalt bevarandearbete. Workshopen äger rum på Hotell Statt Hässleholm, på Frykholmsgatan 13 nära stationen, mellan kl. 9.00 och 13.00. Deltagande är kostnadsfritt och inkluderar vegetarisk lunch. Under denna första workshop ska vi tillsamma - 2025-01-31

Workshop: Linkedin for beginners

This beginner-level workshop is open to researchers across all strategic research areas (SRA:s) at Lund University. With Linkedin being a key platform for networking, showcasing your research, and connecting with potential collaborators, having a strong profile can be of great benefit.The workshop will begin with a presentation on Linkedin fundamentals, followed by a hands-on session where partici - 2025-01-31

Workshop: Linkedin for beginners (fully booked - register your interest in upcoming dates)

13 February 2025 10:00 to 12:00 | This beginner-level workshop is open to researchers across all strategic research areas (SRA:s) at Lund University. With Linkedin being a key platform for networking, showcasing your research, and connecting with potential collaborators, having a strong profile can be of great benefit. The workshop will begin with a presentation on Linkedin fundamentals, followed - 2025-01-31

Annual reporting for BECC PIs

Name Email adress New members who joined my research group in 2024 that work with BECC-relevant issues and therefore should be included in the BECC environment. State name, title (PhD student, postdoc, researcher etc) and preferably e-mailadress You may check with us or on their LUCRIS/Research Portal page if they are already in the BECC environment. New members who joined my research group in 202 - 2025-01-31

Swedish Biodiversity Symposium

21 October 2025 10:00 to 23 October 2025 17:00 | Concert Welcome to Sweden's first Swedish Biodiversity Symposium - an interdisciplinary conference where experts and stakeholders in biodiversity come together to promote positive developments in the field. Swedish Biodiversity Symposiumis a science-policy interface orientated forum for communication, dissemination, and discussion of science-based k - 2025-01-31

Rewetting agricultural land - cost-effective climate action or nature restoration?

5 February 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Seminar Rewetting is promoted as an important climate and environmental measure in many policy contexts. The Swedish government has rewetting as one of their focus in climate policy, and the EU's recently adopted Nature Restoration Law sets binding requirements for rewetting in the agricultural landscape. In order to implement such a measure in practice, private la - 2025-01-31

Save the date: LU Land breakfast seminar on sustainable land use

5 March 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Seminar Our breakfast seminars aim to highlight current societal challenges related to sustainable land use, shedding light on them from different perspectives and discussing possible ways forward through a constructive dialogue with the activists and the audience members. More information about this calendar event will be available soon.Please take a look at the LU L - 2025-01-31

Save the date: LU Land breakfast seminar on sustainable land use

2 April 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Seminar Our breakfast seminars aim to highlight current societal challenges related to sustainable land use, shedding light on them from different perspectives and discussing possible ways forward through a constructive dialogue with the activists and the audience members. More information about this calendar event will be available soon.Please take a look at the LU L - 2025-01-31

Save the date: LU Land breakfast seminar on sustainable land use

4 June 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Seminar Our breakfast seminars aim to highlight current societal challenges related to sustainable land use, shedding light on them from different perspectives and discussing possible ways forward through a constructive dialogue with the activists and the audience members. More information about this calendar event will be available soon.Please take a look at the LU La - 2025-01-31

Save the date: LU Land live at sustainability week

7 May 2025 08:30 to 10:00 | Seminar Our breakfast seminars aim to highlight current societal challenges related to sustainable land use, shedding light on them from different perspectives and discussing possible ways forward through a constructive dialogue with the activists and the audience members. More information about this calendar event will be available soon.Please take a look at the LU Lan - 2025-01-31